I can now officially say I have had the most embarrassing moment of my life. When I told my husband this, he asked if I had come last. No, oh no, coming last is not embarrassing - someone has to. It was worse than that!
But before I go on to the most embarrassing moment of my life, I'll say a little bit about the race. There was a good turnout, especially from our jogging club - about 10 of us I think. The mood was good and although I can't say we were exactly looking forward to the race, we weren't actually dreading it - after all, it's only 5K.
There had been a little bit of rain half an hour before the start but that had cleared up and the sun was out. At the start line I saw a very old friend, Alan and his daughter Katie. Wished them luck and got back in line behind them.
The start was a bit stumbling but we soon got spread out. I set off at a good pace, pushing it but holding a bit back. Sheila, Mandy and Alan set off much faster and I didn't try to keep with them. I was looking out for the first K marker and started counting down. The course was 2 laps round the lake so coming round to the 2K marker I could see the 4K marker as well. I kept up the pace, overtaking on the way, and I had Mandy in my sights. I eventually caught Mandy at just gone 4K. The effort to catch her was enough for me and she eventually pulled away again just before the finish.
I came through the finish line and felt dreadfully thirsty. I went in search of water but couldn't find the table. I remember asking someone and they pointed me in the right direction. It was at this time my most embarrassing moment started!
I could feel my legs starting to seize up - it felt a bit like cramp. I couldn't walk, my calf muscles and the tops of my legs in the groin area were tightening up. I saw one of my team mates and called them over and said I was desperate for a drink and that I couldn't walk, my legs were cramping up.
They called over the physios and I had to lay down right in the middle of the field in the midst of all the runners. Oh my, it was a good job I was already red in the face from the run!
They massaged my legs and although the calf muscles were beginning to ease, my groin felt really painful and I couldn't bend, to either sit up or stand. After 5-10 minutes of massage I was helped to stand. I began to move around and someone got me a power drink - that tasted absolutely wonderful.
I got offers of lifts home but as I only lived about a mile away, I thought it would be good to walk. I started out slow and could feel my legs slowly easing back into life by the time I got home.
The next day, my legs felt extremely stiff, especially my right calf and the groin. That evening I went for a very gentle jog followed by a swim. My legs ached a bit but after a few minutes I felt fine jogging and at the start of the swim, my groin was very sore. Eventually it loosened up and I felt fine.
I've looked up what could have been the cause of my problems and I think it was something to do with electrolyte imbalance. I think what I have learned from this is that I chould not under-estimate the effort it takes to run a race, even if it is only 5K. I know I suffer badly in the sun and heat and it was a very warm evening. I should have taken a water bottle round with me but I didn't because, again, it was only 5K. I hdn't had enough to eat that day, especially carbo-rich foods.
On Sunday I had planned to run the Yaxley 7 (miles). I still intend to but this time I think I will take a sports drink around with me, plan a carbo-rich lunch and most importantly, take it easy and enjoy the run!
1K - 5.02
2K - 5.16
3K - 5.11
4K - 5.24
5K - 5.09
Time: 26:14
Distance: 5K