This Blog started out as a record of my efforts to compete in the Gt Eastern Half Marathon 2006. Since then I entered but had to withdraw from Flora London Marathon 2008 due to injury. After having to take months off to recover I am now ready and willing to become a runner again!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

I went to the sports physio on Wednesday hoping she would be able to massage out my problems but without much success, Boo Hoo. She advised that I continue seeing her for a while.....

The run on Thursday night started off ok, and it wasn't until nearing the end that my hip area started to hurt, around the 5 mile mark. Not so bad I had to stop but it is such an annoyance!

I have a big race on tomorrow - Stamford 30K!

"It is recognised nationally as a tough event, providing a good training run for those planning to run the Flora London Marathon.

Competitors travel the length and breadth of the country to compete on the hilly, challenging course, taking in some of the nicest rural lanes of South Lincolnshire."

My plan of action? Just get round it!!

1 comment:

Mary Gee said...

Good Luck on your Race!