This Blog started out as a record of my efforts to compete in the Gt Eastern Half Marathon 2006. Since then I entered but had to withdraw from Flora London Marathon 2008 due to injury. After having to take months off to recover I am now ready and willing to become a runner again!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Week Twelve - Day 2

Took my camera with me on the run this morning and as luck would have it, no great sunrise today!

Decided today to run the first bit of the route alongside the road - I would at least get the lighting from the street lamps to see my way. By the time I get to the lake it will be lighter and I could then cut in and take up the run from thereon.

The weather today was that in between weather - probably a bit cool to be wearing shorts but not cold enough for running bottoms. It most definitely feels very Autumny.

I started off strong but on the return my legs started to feel quite heavy and it was a bit of a struggle. Maybe it was a bit too fast at the start....

At the start of all this training I thought this run was about 6 miles but now I'm probably thinking it's about 51/2 - now I know half a mile doesn't sound much but at my speed we're talking about a difference of 4-5 mins.

I took note of some landmarks against my watch and will clock the distance on my car speedo - not sure how accurate that will be!

Time: 50:17
Distance: 6 ?


Thomas said...

There are plebty of training plans that have you run by time, not distance. That way you don't have to know the exact distance you're covering.

Unknown said...

Good luck with the marathon!! At 49, U are achieving a lot of what lazy twats like me only map out in our hearts and minds!!

I dream on running even 5km but discovered that am very lazy when it comes to discipline in running daily. Tried jogging for 2weeks and not been out since then.

Oh well, may next year - another new year resolution!! (smile)