This Blog started out as a record of my efforts to compete in the Gt Eastern Half Marathon 2006. Since then I entered but had to withdraw from Flora London Marathon 2008 due to injury. After having to take months off to recover I am now ready and willing to become a runner again!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

What an absolutely fantastic day it is today! I knew it was going to be hot so I arranged with Rhona to meet a 8 am before the sun came out too strong - thank goodness we did, because it was still very warm.

There were loads of people about, a few runners and lots of dog walkers. We did our run round the big lake and think next week we should extend it a bit more to take in the nature reserve. It still seems as hard as ever, my lungs just don't seem to be able to cope but I guess it will get easier....

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