This Blog started out as a record of my efforts to compete in the Gt Eastern Half Marathon 2006. Since then I entered but had to withdraw from Flora London Marathon 2008 due to injury. After having to take months off to recover I am now ready and willing to become a runner again!

Friday, January 25, 2008

After the race on Sunday I fully expected my legs to feel a bit tired and stiff over the next couple of days and I wasn’t disappointed! I would like to have gone swimming on Monday to ease them out a bit but I just couldn’t fit it in this week. Consequently, on Tuesday night’s club run I took it fairly easy. It was great going to the club and everyone congratulating me on the Folksworth 15, I felt very proud of myself.

By Wednesday I was feeling quite tired and could have missed the cross training session at the gym but persuaded myself into going thinking that I couldn’t start skipping sessions now when there are still weeks to go until the Marathon! I didn’t spend that long there, just doing what I had to do and getting home quick.

Last night’s run was quite a hard one. We did the same route as Tuesday but in reverse. I ran with Suzanne and we started out at quite a steady pace. We kept it up for 3 miles but then Suzanne had to stop for a call of nature – I couldn’t quite get back into the pace after that. My legs felt heavy and I found it hard going. On checking the time when we got back I wasn’t surprised to see that we had run it a minute or so faster than Tuesday even including the stop. No wonder I was finding it hard work!

How I love Fridays! No running, no gym – just REST!


Unknown said...

Hi Sue!! Hope you're ok ? I got a place on the Training Day, but now my husband has to work all weekend. Typical. So, sorry about that - maybe another time eh ? S

Mary Gee said...

Rest Rocks!

Anonymous said...

Your Fridays are like my Sundays - a complete day off. Ahhhhh . . . I believe you need a day like that once a week. It gets you ready for what's next on the schedule.