This Blog started out as a record of my efforts to compete in the Gt Eastern Half Marathon 2006. Since then I entered but had to withdraw from Flora London Marathon 2008 due to injury. After having to take months off to recover I am now ready and willing to become a runner again!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Now that I have cut my running down to just three times a week, it is very important that I don't miss a run. On Tuesday I couldn't make it to the running club so I rushed home from work to try and get a run in before it got too dark.

I decided to run two laps round the business park which is fairly well lit apart from one stretch of pathway. On the first time of going round it wasn't too bad but just within a short space of 15 minutes it had begun to get dark and it was very noticeable on this stretch of pathway - it was quite creepy!

There was a gentle drizzle but surprisingly warm for November.

Time: 36:56
Distance: 4 miles

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