This Blog started out as a record of my efforts to compete in the Gt Eastern Half Marathon 2006. Since then I entered but had to withdraw from Flora London Marathon 2008 due to injury. After having to take months off to recover I am now ready and willing to become a runner again!

Friday, October 13, 2006

2 days to go...

About six months ago I read in the newspaper that our local Town were holding the Great Eastern Half Marathon.

At that time I had been going to the gym fairly regularly and having the occasional run for about 25-30 mins on the treadmill. I mused briefly about entering the half-marathon and then promptly pushed the thought away. A couple of months later I was at a summer BBQ when a friend said she was entering and I decided I would give it a go as well - so I embarked on my 12 week training schedule.

In the past, over 20 years ago– I had caught the running bug. My husband was a keen runner and encouraged me to run as well. I remember that first run – he was on his bike taking me round a route and me running alongside trying to keep going. I think I actually did get round without stopping but, boy, did I feel sick (literally) at the finish! This didn’t discourage me and was just the start of the next couple of years of pounding the pavement.

I wasn’t built for running (as those of you will know if you read this) lol. However, with sheer determination, hard work and training, I built up my stamina and entered road races of varying distances from starting off with 3 mile fun runs, 10 K, and finally 10 mile road races. The first 10 mile road race I entered was the Swineshead 10 in 1984 . I ran this with a friend, Karen, and it took 1 hr 20 min. After that, the sky was the limit.

I ran several more 10 milers but the highlight of those years was running in the Paris to Versailles 16K run. A group of us went over to Paris – I can’t remember much of the journey there and back (menopause kicking in?), but that race is etched in my memory forever. There were thousands of runners – and don’t forget, back then running hadn’t taken off quite as much as it has now! The race started in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower; the scenic route took us along the banks of the Seine, through the Bois De Boulogne forest, and finished next to the beautiful Palace of Versailles. It seemed everyone was there to enjoy it … the roads were lined with spectators cheering and clapping, bands on street corners playing their jolly French music, fruit stalls set up to give out juicy fruit and water stands to keep us hydrated. I am so glad I participated in such an exhilarating and exciting experience.

My running days pretty much came to an end in 1989 when having babies seemed much more important! Over the years since then I have dipped in and out of running, my last major race, as I mentioned here, being the Bruggen 10 in September 1999. This run wasn’t nearly as enjoyable as the Paris run – nothing to do with the crowds and the atmosphere but more to do with the weather – it was very hot!

Since then I hadn’t felt motivated enough to do any serious training until this forthcoming Half Marathon. It was going to be a challenge; as I said the longest runs I had recently run was just about 3 miles and the thought of adding on another 10 was awesome! But I had the confidence of knowing that it was all down to training….lots of people say they “can’t” run but I don’t believe them. If I can do it then anyone can – it’s like most things, it’s just a case of how much they want it.

There have been times, of course, when running has been the last thing I wanted to do, when my legs ached so much it was hard work just getting up the stairs to get my kit on, when the weather was too hot/too cold or, frankly, I just didn’t feel like it. And I ask myself, Why am I doing this? But, after 12 weeks of getting up at 5.30 am 2-3 times each week to get that early morning run in before work, of getting up every Saturday morning for that long run, starting with 5 miles and steadily building up to magical 13, the big day is so close. And here I am – prepared and ready. Wish me luck! Posted by Picasa


jeanne said...

hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! GOOD LUCK tomorrow! You'll do great, bib boobs and all!

Better start thinking what's next!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you're such a veteran runner.

Good Luck tomorrow. Have a great time!!!

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!!

Fe Man said...

How was the run?