This Blog started out as a record of my efforts to compete in the Gt Eastern Half Marathon 2006. Since then I entered but had to withdraw from Flora London Marathon 2008 due to injury. After having to take months off to recover I am now ready and willing to become a runner again!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thinking about it ....

I've had a look at several training schedules and have decided to go with one from Runner's World magazine. It lists runs 4 x week which seems realistic, 3 medium length runs followed by one long run. They then increase in distance gradually over the next few weeks. I've just got to decide which days to do the runs on. I would usually do the long run on a Sunday but have decided that I would rather do it on a Saturday morning - it then means I can have a good time on Saturday night without having to worry about a hangover!

I'm still going to continue with my swimming which I usually do on Monday night (lesson) and I then try to get to the pool twice a week in the morning before going to work. I normally do my weight workout on a Saturday morning but the gym has a weights session on Tuesday evening or Thursday evening so I could move it to then. I usually do a Fitball session (good workout for the core muscles) on a Thursday evening but I think either the Fitball or the weights may need to be dropped - just can't decide which out of the two would be more beneficial to keep. May be I'll do the weights on Tuesday and Fitball Thursday for the first couple of weeks and just see how it goes...

This does sound like a heavy workload but it's pretty much what I've been doing for a while now, just one more extra run but, of course, my runs have been a fair bit shorter and I certainly haven't been doing a long run.


Anonymous said...

I have every confidence in you. You will succeed. :-)

Sue said...

Spinning Steve: *smile* Cheeers Babe!

It's me, T.J. said...

A plan.

Plans are good.


Sue said...


butterflygirl said...

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Ah ha! At last the secrets of you youthful looks. now have I got the energy and enthusiasm to follow your lead